
Java Interface:

Learning menu, Simplification option.

Command line, fisimple program: The fisimple program tries to group rules together, to remove rules or to eliminate some variables from a rule.


Optional arguments:
 -t performance test file name (default: data file name)
 -pNum where Num is the output number (default value: 0, first output)
 -bAbsCov where AbsCov is the absolute coverage level: tolerated percentage of blank samples (default: 0.1, 10
 -cCovLoss where CovLoss is the relative tolerated loss of coverage during rule removal (default: 0.0
 -dAbsPerf where AbsPerf is the absolute maximum performance index (default: -1.0)
 -ePerfLoss where PerfLoss is the tolerated loss of performance, percentage of initial error (default: 0.1, 10
 -hHomog where Homog is the output homogeneity threshold
 -k do not keep the last rule with a given class or MF label as conclusion (default: keep the last rule)
 -r to remove work files
 -a for detailed display
 -q for rule removal
 -l for variable removal
 -tFileTest where FileTest is the name of a validation data file used for performance calculations only (default value: the data file name)
 -sMuMin where MuMin is the activation threshold for an item not to be blank (default: 0.2), used for performance calculations only.

Remarks: the arguments -b and -c are exclusive, -b has priority over -c. The arguments -d and -e are exclusive, -d has priority over -e.

Command line examples:

fisimple wmiris.fis iris

The program displays the message
'The most simple FIS: irissel.fis.jb.2'. The whole set of simplified FIS configurations is given in the file result.simple. The simplest FIS is wmiris.fis.jb.2 which has eleven rules.


fisimple iriskmr.fis.tree.fis iris

The simplest FIS is iriskmr.fis.tree.fis.jb.2 which has eleven rules.

fisimple rice.fis rice -q -l

The simplest FIS is rice.fis.jb.23 which has 9 rules.