System behaviour

This submenu displays the variation of a FIS output in function of the variations of one or two input variables, the other input variables being set to a fixed value.

Remark: the graphics displayed here do not take into account the current data file. They are generated only according to the FIS characteristics: partitions and rules. The curves or surfaces are built using an interpolation grid which covers the chosen data range and respects the given resolution.

The Visualize option of the Data menu displays a 2D or 3D graphics based on the actual points of a data file. No interpolation is done.

  1. section

    2D (X,Y) graphics that displays an output Y on the y axis,versus an input variable X on the x axis.

    Range setting

    For the X variable, the display range can be set (min and max), as well as the number of points used for interpolating.

    When the FIS has more than one active input, it is necessary to set the values for all other inputs.

    The Breakpoints checkbox imposes the choice of the MF breakpoints as possible values. To set a value for a variable, incrementation or decrementation arrows located on the right of the variable name can be used. The left and right arrows of the numerical pad can also be used, once the cursor has been placed in the text area. One can also type the numerical value.

    2D graphics

    The figure is displayed in the lower part of the window. It can be exported in a standard graphical format (file menu).

    The graphics reacts to various commands. For instance, by pressing down for a period of time one of the incrementing/decrementing arrows, the curve is updated in real time, which is useful for simulating continuous variations.

  2. surface

    3D (X,Y,Z) graphics that displays a response surface of a given FIS output on the Z axis, versus 2 input variables, X and Y.

    Range setting

    The upper part of the window allows to choose the settings for the variable ranges and the resolution for each of the two X and Y variables. See the paragraph above.

    3D graphics

    The figure is displayed in the lower part of the window. It can be exported in a standard graphical format (Menu file).

    The Export option of the file menu proposes an exportation of the 3D figure. The Record option records a series of graphics in function of a range of parameters for calculating the surface. The recording is stored as a sequence of indexed jpeg pictures, and can be transformed into a movie.

    Here is an example of a (GNU)Linux command that can be used to do so:

    mencoder mf://*.jpg -mf w=800:h=600:fps=25:type=jpg -ovc lavc -lavcopts vcodec=mpeg4 -oac copy -o output.avi

    The avi movie can be viewed on any platform.

    Meaning of surface colors

    The surface color changes from red (minimum) and purple (maximum), according to the Z value. The changes follow the rainbow order

    Note : the colors are meaningful only within a given figure. The red color corresponds to the minimum inferred value for that figure.

    Mouse actions

    The graphics reacts to various commands. For instance, by pressing down for a period of time one of the incrementing/decrementing arrows, the surface is updated in real time, which is useful for simulating continuous variations.

    If some points do not activate any rule, the z value is the default FIS output value.

    A left click in the graphical area displays the (x, y, z) coordinates, a right click shows the activated rules for a given point. The default activation threshold is 0.001, and it can be changed in the Options menu. A double click opens the Inference window (see section 1.4) for a given point (the values are not editable within the Inference window).


    Three actions allow to change the viewpoint:

    The Reset view restores the initial 3D settings.


    The Section menu displays a section of the response curve onto the X or the Y axis. A popup window allows to set the input value for the section, and to make dynamic changes. The section plane can be displayed on the 3D graphics, and follows the dynamic changes of parameters.