Date: March 15, 2018
First of all, the FisPro implementation allows to design fuzzy systems from the expert knowledge available in a given field, for instance in winemaking.
This approach is illustrated by an example given in the user guide Quickstart with FisPro.
FisPro also allows the complete design of a fuzzy inference system from the numerical data related to the problem under study. Many automatic learning methods unfortunately lead to "black box" systems. In FisPro, constraints are imposed to the algorithms to make the reasoning rules easy to interpret([1]), so that the user understands how the fuzzy system operates. This novel approach is one of the originalities of the software.
Some examples are given in the user guide Induction with FisPro.
Both approaches, expert rule design and automatic induction, can be combined to create more complete and better performing systems. FisPro offers educational tools that illustrate the reasoning mechanism, and other tools to measure the system performance on datasets.
This software is made of two distinct parts: a C++ function library, which can be used independently, and a graphical Java interface, which implements most functionalities if the C++ library. It is portable, and can run on most existing platforms.
The development of the first version of FisPro was sustained by public funds from the French government and from Languedoc-Roussillon regional funds, during a research project, COST 2000-012, coordinated by the TRANSFERTS LR association with the industrial partnership of the Cave Cooperative "La Malepère", Arzens, Aude.
FisPro is an open source software, available on the Internet at:
Elementary notions
A system is also called a FIS, or fuzzy inference system.
The abbreviation MF is used for membership function or fuzzy set (see fuzzy logic glossary, section 3 ).
When starting FisPro, no system is available.
You have a choice between opening an existing system, or creating a new one, either automatically from data, or by hand, element by element.
This introductory guide explains the way to do it in this last case, suited to expert rule definition.
The Language option of the Options menu allows to choose the language you want for messages and menus.