Apart from the authors of FisPro, S. Guillaume, B. Charnomordic and J-L. Lablée, the main contributors are:
- C++
- Optimization module, François OLIVIER, from the work by Pierre-Yves GLORENNEC, “Algorithmes d’apprentissage pour systèmes d’inférence floue”, Edns. Hermes, 1999.
- OLS module, Sébastien DESTERCKE.
- SuperFIS module (chaining Fuzzy Inference Systems), Vincent THERRY, with the help of Envilys www.envilys.com.
- Design of the implicative systems, Hazaël JONES.
- C++ implementation of the implicative systems, Lydie DESPERBEN.
- Optimized and parallel version of FisPro (OpenMP standard), Russel STANDISH. Special thanks for the initial OpenMP version and for your help in the new version implementation.
- Java
- JNI Interface (Java C++), Pierre-Marie BOYER.
- Data viewing, Mathieu GRELIER.
- Graphical viewing module for fuzzy decision trees, java interface of the implicative systems, Anne TIREAU.
- Communication
- Logo, icons and webdesign of FisPro, Jean-Michel FATOU www.fatou-art.com.
- Portuguese translation, Moacir Jr Pedroso, Embrapa www.embrapa.br.
- Spanish translation of the quickstart guide, Juan Luis CORTI, MGAP www.mgap.gub.uy.
The Software GUAJE FUZZY (Free software for generating understandable and accurate fuzzy systems), which uses FisPro methods, is dedicated to integrating both types of knowledge, expert knowledge and knowledge learnt from data. The integration is done by merging both rule bases under expert supervision. The software allows to check the resulting data base quality: completeness, coherence and no redundancy.